H-BIM workshop in coll. with the DiARC – Universitá Federico II (Naples, IT)

In December 2022, AP received the Internationalisation Partnership Award Scheme (IPAS+) fund, which allowed the team to start a research-based collaboration with the Department of Architecture (DiARC) of the Universitá Federico II, focusing on "H-BIM: Regenerative decision-making processes for fragile heritage environments". Structured as a research project, the collaboration aims at testing innovative workflows for the assessment of potential regeneration scenarios of disused heritage assets, exploiting existing technologies such as BIM software.

The first of a series of workshops which continue until the end of 2023, was concluded earlier last week in Naples, where the team led by prof. Maria Cerreta organised a week-long  programme of activities which involved a group of architecture students and researchers. More info about the initial outcomes of the research will be published in October, when the team will regroup in Malta.

In the meantime, we would like to thank the Malta Council for Science and Technology (MCST) for giving us the opportunity to initiate this challenging and enriching collaboration, and all those who contributed and welcomed us in Naples.
