‘’If we do not learn that we need to move to a system that is completely detached from politics, things will never change. It is time for the politicians to get their hands off the planning system an let it run independently, by the experts we trust.’’
An interview with David Felice by journalist Fiona Galea Debono was featured as one of the lead stories in the Times of Malta. The conversation centered on topics ranging from economic challenges to community loss in Valletta and the need for independent planning systems, highlighting Felice's vision for a Malta that balances development and progress with the preservation of its cultural identity.
Read the full article at the link below:
Times of Malta online - David Felice on Malta's construction boom: ''we all have our finger in this pie'' - 30.01.2025
Times of Malta - Ninety per cent of the population 'is driven by the construction industry' - 20.01.2025