Forni Stores

The Forni Stores form part of the historical buildings within the Cruise Passenger Terminal waterfront, located in Valletta’s Grand Harbour. This project highlighted two critical aspects of heritage conservation: the necessity for ongoing, interdisciplinary studies to fully understand the distinct phases of a building and their influence on construction techniques and historical structures; and the importance of careful recording and documenting prior and during interventions to support significant restoration efforts. The project underlined the evolution of restoration theories and standards and their application on local heritage.

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Tarxien House

Located in the village of Tarxien, Malta, a timeless renovation project is underway, breathing new life into a historic townhouse while honoring its rich heritage. With a commitment to maximum respect for the pre-existing structures and a deep appreciation for the link between the building and its surroundings, this intervention seeks to preserve the essence of the past while embracing the demands of modern living.

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Four Sappers residences

Renovation of an abandoned residential block in Valletta, as part of Four Sappers creative cluster.

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Noto Hilltop Villa

The restoration and rehabilitation of a hilltop villa in Noto, Sicily. The design proposal aims at enhancing the exhisting fabric, creating a seamless blend between old and new as well as the indoor and outdoor.

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