AP’s proposal for a recreational park for the community of Żebbuġ in Malta selected for the Vjal Kulħadd initiative
Lecture at Lycee Professionnel Vauban Nice, France
AP’s Founding Partner, David Felice in the Times of Malta
AP Valletta recognized as one of the game-changing firms on Architizer’s ‘Top Studios Driving Architectural Innovation’ list
2024. A year in the life of AP
Naxxar House Archilovers TOP 2024 Best projects
Lecture at University of Udine
St Paul’s Pro-Cathedral wins Din l-Art Ħelwa Award 2024
AP Valletta wins Gold at Malta Business Awards!
AP Valletta awarded the Research Excellence Programme fund for ‘Limestone Intelligent Mapping and Automated Process (LIMAP)’ research project
AP's Executive Director David Felice awarded with Lifetime Achievement Award
The Wedge receives planning permission
AP Valletta at designMT 2024
Valletta Accra published
Solar facades for a circular and low-carbon GO Tech Centre
AP Valletta wins BUILD Architecture Award
AP Valletta supports the adoption Nature Restoration Law
Phoenicia Hotel: St John’s Gardens Project
The regeneration of Wied is-Sewda on TVM News
Architizer A+Awards 2024 Popular Choice Winner
Brown or green?
Giant Leaps: Stretching Cultural Heritage Paradigms
AP’s Executive Director Konrad Buhagiar interviewed for SEE magazine
BIG Architecture Festival 2024
Double winners at the MASP Awards 2024!
HSBC Malta Foundation supports project by UM & AP to employ nature-based solutions to combat climate change
Nature-Based Solutions Project: Ħamrun Secondary School
Restoration Diaries: St Paul’s Anglican Pro-Cathedral has completed the greatest restoration ever in its history
AP Valletta shortlisted for Architizer A+Awards 2024
Valletta Townhouse wins BIG SEE Architecture Award 2024
On site at St. John’s Co-Cathedral
Valletta-Accra book launch
Lecture at Architects' Council of Europe Conference
Time to Act – ACE manifesto outlines vision for high-quality architecture
Caravaggio Centre revealed
Bridging nature and urbanism
Is development a dirty word?
Lectures at ORT Uruguay University
Structural trusses installed over St. John's new tapestry chamber
Lecture on “Performance City” for the Faculty of Built Environment of UoM
St. John's Co-Cathedral
''Valletta - Accra: A Dialogue Between Mercantile Cities'' Public conversation
Qormi Palazzo receives outline development permission
Kenuna Tower added to the National Inventory of Cultural Heritage
Tarxien House project is granted planning permit
Valletta Townhouse shortlisted for BIG SEE Awards
2023. A year in the life of AP
AP at the Din l-Art Ħelwa Architectural Heritage Awards
"Valletta - Accra: A Dialogue Between Mercantile Cities" initial outcomes
Public consultation on the nature-based solutions case study
The office market and office valuations
Discussing green transition challenges with the EU Commission in Malta
H-BIM workshop series, in collaboration with DiARC, progresses into its second phase
‘Valletta – Accra: A Dialogue Between Mercantile Cities’ awarded Arts Council Malta International Cultural Exchange fund
AP awarded the tender for architectural assistance to the European Commission in Malta
The renovated Priory of Navarre opens to the public
AP at the 26th 'Land People Culture' conference in Bethlehem
Valletta Cruise Port and AP Valletta secure planning approval for Pinto Terminal rehabilitation project
MIA masterplan approval
Beyond the Building Physiognomy
Qormi Valley regeneration proposal
Four Sappers
Museum of Literature
AP at the Association of Architectural Educators conference 2023
Connecting with Nature: Placemaking and the Urban Garden
H-BIM workshop in coll. with the DiARC - Universitá Federico II (Naples, IT)
AP at MARE Summit 2023
AP at the Adaptive Reuse event organised by MIDA
AP at the CIOB Conference "New Ideas for Tough Times"
MASP Awards 2023
Understanding the property market
Valuation and advisory services
Business mission in Ghana
Augmented Memories
Road to decarbonisation
Valletta, a tale of light and shade
Phoenicia Malta 75th Anniversary
Phoenicia Hotel restoration presented as case study at the CIOB International Built Heritage Conference
Contributing to Notte Bianca's cultural programme
Sustainable Heritage – Routledge Publication
AP's executive director David Felice part of the jury for the 2022 cycle of the CAA Awards
Spencer Hill Business Centre regeneration gets PA approval
London Design Biennale 2023
Commonwealth Business Forum
'Car space by car space' places 3rd in 'Zoomed Out?'
Din l-Art Helwa Heritage Awards 2021
MARE summit 2022
Towards a truly sustainable approach to built heritage: Leonora Carrington’s lesson
Valletta, une promesse de la nuit
On heritage and identity
Museum of Literature approved by PA
MASP Awards 2021
YCN Networking Event: A link to our past
Collaborating with EUAA
ŻfinMalta's Movimento with Tom Van Malderen
Who knows the future?
Text and the City
Merry Christmas from AP Valletta
The meaning of home
Contemporary architecture: the heritage of tomorrow
Beyond the Building Physiognomy
Back to Four Sappers
St. Gilles Museum proposal places third
Virtual Mixing
Central Public Library area regeneration proposal unveiled
James Hatton selected for the AJ Student Prize 2021
AP shortlisted for the prestigious European Ilucidare Special Prize
ACMlab: Tomorrow's performance venues
Building is an act of culture
Building Futures
AP wins two Din l-Art Helwa Awards for Architectural Heritage
Temporary Offices
New project for AP in the South of France
Renovation works at 4 Sappers Street
Malta Sustainability Forum
World Economic Forum
Cultural Heritage in Action
Performance Venues of Tomorrow
The Future of the Workplace
First project in Paris!
Unfinished Metropolis
Designing The Future Live Talks II
FIDIC training starting on Friday
Exploring Virtual Reality
ISO 9001 certification renewed!
'Malta Land of Sea' 2nd edition is out!
Back in Valletta!
Zoomed Out – DeuS event
Restoring Valletta skyline: works are starting!
Time to rethink the building industry
Working remotely
Townhouse in St Ursula Street
Saving the Cathedral
AP wins international competition for Skyparks 2
Merry Christmas from AP Valletta
Dezeen Day
Against Climate Change
Experimental Diagramming
The best of both worlds
UNESCO Mazatlan
Soon out of context
Quid tum: Alberti, Laparelli, Piano and the Happy City
Konrad Buhagiar at TEDxUoM
Maurits Van der Staay at AP
Contributing to SACES workshop
Frontiers in Heritage Science
Valletta 2018: what' s next?
First Photographs
Simone Vella Lenicker new president of KTP
2018. A year in the life of AP
Joining the first Level(s) conference
Mies Van der Rohe Award 2019 nomination
AP in Valletta
From Architecture Project to AP Valletta
The Coach House finalist at WAF 2018
Discussing 'Conservation' in Canterbury
Architecture is for
the Faithful
Spontaneous Architecture
Malta Innovation Summit
Parallel Existences
MASP Conference 2018
The Coach House
From V.18 to V.500
Phoenicia Hotel wins Urban Regeneration Award
The Earth Building is shortlisted
Dock N.1
The Uncertainty of
a Moving Diptych
The Coach House wins local awards
2017. A year in the life of AP
Villa Castro
Phoenicia Hotel
Lija case study updates
Villa Castro shortlisted
for international awards
Barrakka Lift
St. Barbara Bastion
AP at 15th Venice Architecture Biennale
fablabvalletta updates
Malta Pavilion at 57th Venice Art Biennale
HOMeS. Raphael Vella exhibits at AP
Reporting from Venice
Konrad Buhagiar for Oħlom Oħloq series
Farsons Brewery
The Rabbit Duck Illusion
Contribution in new publication celebrating Manoel Theatre in Valletta
...streets, et cetera...
Taking part in local research project
Memento Mori
Talking about business
Two awards at the Din L-Art Helwa's Awards for Architectural Heritage
World Film Locations: Malta
Filming Locations: the fabric of culture, myth and identity in small cinema
Lecture at EASA Links
A Similar New
Ganado offices project wins local award
Nomination for the Mies van der Rohe Award 2015
Patron magazine launch
Projects shortlisted for WAF and INSIDE awards and nominated for Philippe Rotthier prize
Best of the 14th Architecture Biennale
Perspective 2014
Year 2225. A triptych.
Maritime Trade Centre
Guest lecture at the University of Belgrade
What are the qualities that make buildings timeless?
Two awards at the Din L-Art Helwa’s Architectural Heritage scheme
Reasonable Dreams
Barrakka Lift wins Transport category at INSIDE Festival
Farsons Brewery and Barrakka Lift shortlisted for WAF
Participating in ‘Breaking New Ground’
A Printed Thing
The Royal Opera House in Malta
Contribution in ‘Recovery, Valorisation and Maintenance in Historical Centres’
Presentation at the Institute for Sustainable Energy
The Inauguration of Barrakka Lift
A Printed Thing
Valletta Waterfront wins a 2012 ULI Global Award for Excellence
Contribution in Modern Trends in National Architecture
Farson’s new brewhouse to be inaugurated today
Participating in ISCEC Malta meeting
Lecture at the Museum of Architecture in Wroclaw, Poland
City Gate
Dining Pavilion
St. Barbara’s project wins Creative Re-use category at INSIDE Festival
The Identity of Valletta discussed at lecture given by AP in Belgium
St. Barbara’s project shortlisted for INSIDE
Towards Frugality-International Symposium and Workshop followed by Design Exhibition
Valletta Waterfront project selected for Philippe Rotthier Prize
St. Ursula Street Apartment
Seafront Apartment
AP finalist in HSBC European Business Awards
Length of Weighted Wire
Landscape Award for Valletta Waterfront
Novelletta at the London Festival of Architecture 2010
Corporate Village
Corporate Village wins international award in Milan
Valletta basement
Valletta: Heritage, Climate and Identity Lecture
Europe’s 40 under 40
Corporate Village shortlisted at WAF 2009
Cruise Passenger Terminal finalist in WA 4th Cycle Awards
PHDC Malta Symposium hosted by AP
Participation in Real Estate Forum
Rics Conference 2008
SAIE Energia Fair 2008
Casa Perellos
Biennale Internationale Design 2008
That's Design, Milan 2008
AJ Small Projects Awards 2008
Pool Pavilion
M&S Store
Stock Exchange
Valletta Waterfront
Xara Palace
St. Barbara Bastions
Manoel Theatre
Lecture at Lycee Professionnel Vauban Nice, France
AP’s Founding Partner, David Felice in the Times of Malta
AP Valletta recognized as one of the game-changing firms on Architizer’s ‘Top Studios Driving Architectural Innovation’ list
2024. A year in the life of AP
Naxxar House Archilovers TOP 2024 Best projects
Lecture at University of Udine
St Paul’s Pro-Cathedral wins Din l-Art Ħelwa Award 2024
AP Valletta wins Gold at Malta Business Awards!
AP Valletta awarded the Research Excellence Programme fund for ‘Limestone Intelligent Mapping and Automated Process (LIMAP)’ research project
AP's Executive Director David Felice awarded with Lifetime Achievement Award
The Wedge receives planning permission
AP Valletta at designMT 2024
Valletta Accra published
Solar facades for a circular and low-carbon GO Tech Centre
AP Valletta wins BUILD Architecture Award
AP Valletta supports the adoption Nature Restoration Law
Phoenicia Hotel: St John’s Gardens Project
The regeneration of Wied is-Sewda on TVM News
Architizer A+Awards 2024 Popular Choice Winner
Brown or green?
Giant Leaps: Stretching Cultural Heritage Paradigms
AP’s Executive Director Konrad Buhagiar interviewed for SEE magazine
BIG Architecture Festival 2024
Double winners at the MASP Awards 2024!
HSBC Malta Foundation supports project by UM & AP to employ nature-based solutions to combat climate change
Nature-Based Solutions Project: Ħamrun Secondary School
Restoration Diaries: St Paul’s Anglican Pro-Cathedral has completed the greatest restoration ever in its history
AP Valletta shortlisted for Architizer A+Awards 2024
Valletta Townhouse wins BIG SEE Architecture Award 2024
On site at St. John’s Co-Cathedral
Valletta-Accra book launch
Lecture at Architects' Council of Europe Conference
Time to Act – ACE manifesto outlines vision for high-quality architecture
Caravaggio Centre revealed
Bridging nature and urbanism
Is development a dirty word?
Lectures at ORT Uruguay University
Structural trusses installed over St. John's new tapestry chamber
Lecture on “Performance City” for the Faculty of Built Environment of UoM
St. John's Co-Cathedral
''Valletta - Accra: A Dialogue Between Mercantile Cities'' Public conversation
Qormi Palazzo receives outline development permission
Kenuna Tower added to the National Inventory of Cultural Heritage
Tarxien House project is granted planning permit
Valletta Townhouse shortlisted for BIG SEE Awards
2023. A year in the life of AP
AP at the Din l-Art Ħelwa Architectural Heritage Awards
"Valletta - Accra: A Dialogue Between Mercantile Cities" initial outcomes
Public consultation on the nature-based solutions case study
The office market and office valuations
Discussing green transition challenges with the EU Commission in Malta
H-BIM workshop series, in collaboration with DiARC, progresses into its second phase
‘Valletta – Accra: A Dialogue Between Mercantile Cities’ awarded Arts Council Malta International Cultural Exchange fund
AP awarded the tender for architectural assistance to the European Commission in Malta
The renovated Priory of Navarre opens to the public
AP at the 26th 'Land People Culture' conference in Bethlehem
Valletta Cruise Port and AP Valletta secure planning approval for Pinto Terminal rehabilitation project
MIA masterplan approval
Beyond the Building Physiognomy
Qormi Valley regeneration proposal
Four Sappers
Museum of Literature
AP at the Association of Architectural Educators conference 2023
Connecting with Nature: Placemaking and the Urban Garden
H-BIM workshop in coll. with the DiARC - Universitá Federico II (Naples, IT)
AP at MARE Summit 2023
AP at the Adaptive Reuse event organised by MIDA
AP at the CIOB Conference "New Ideas for Tough Times"
MASP Awards 2023
Understanding the property market
Valuation and advisory services
Business mission in Ghana
Augmented Memories
Road to decarbonisation
Valletta, a tale of light and shade
Phoenicia Malta 75th Anniversary
Phoenicia Hotel restoration presented as case study at the CIOB International Built Heritage Conference
Contributing to Notte Bianca's cultural programme
Sustainable Heritage – Routledge Publication
AP's executive director David Felice part of the jury for the 2022 cycle of the CAA Awards
Spencer Hill Business Centre regeneration gets PA approval
London Design Biennale 2023
Commonwealth Business Forum
'Car space by car space' places 3rd in 'Zoomed Out?'
Din l-Art Helwa Heritage Awards 2021
MARE summit 2022
Towards a truly sustainable approach to built heritage: Leonora Carrington’s lesson
Valletta, une promesse de la nuit
On heritage and identity
Museum of Literature approved by PA
MASP Awards 2021
YCN Networking Event: A link to our past
Collaborating with EUAA
ŻfinMalta's Movimento with Tom Van Malderen
Who knows the future?
Text and the City
Merry Christmas from AP Valletta
The meaning of home
Contemporary architecture: the heritage of tomorrow
Beyond the Building Physiognomy
Back to Four Sappers
St. Gilles Museum proposal places third
Virtual Mixing
Central Public Library area regeneration proposal unveiled
James Hatton selected for the AJ Student Prize 2021
AP shortlisted for the prestigious European Ilucidare Special Prize
ACMlab: Tomorrow's performance venues
Building is an act of culture
Building Futures
AP wins two Din l-Art Helwa Awards for Architectural Heritage
Temporary Offices
New project for AP in the South of France
Renovation works at 4 Sappers Street
Malta Sustainability Forum
World Economic Forum
Cultural Heritage in Action
Performance Venues of Tomorrow
The Future of the Workplace
First project in Paris!
Unfinished Metropolis
Designing The Future Live Talks II
FIDIC training starting on Friday
Exploring Virtual Reality
ISO 9001 certification renewed!
'Malta Land of Sea' 2nd edition is out!
Back in Valletta!
Zoomed Out – DeuS event
Restoring Valletta skyline: works are starting!
Time to rethink the building industry
Working remotely
Townhouse in St Ursula Street
Saving the Cathedral
AP wins international competition for Skyparks 2
Merry Christmas from AP Valletta
Dezeen Day
Against Climate Change
Experimental Diagramming
The best of both worlds
UNESCO Mazatlan
Soon out of context
Quid tum: Alberti, Laparelli, Piano and the Happy City
Konrad Buhagiar at TEDxUoM
Maurits Van der Staay at AP
Contributing to SACES workshop
Frontiers in Heritage Science
Valletta 2018: what' s next?
First Photographs
Simone Vella Lenicker new president of KTP
2018. A year in the life of AP
Joining the first Level(s) conference
Mies Van der Rohe Award 2019 nomination
AP in Valletta
From Architecture Project to AP Valletta
The Coach House finalist at WAF 2018
Discussing 'Conservation' in Canterbury
Architecture is for
the Faithful
Spontaneous Architecture
Malta Innovation Summit
Parallel Existences
MASP Conference 2018
The Coach House
From V.18 to V.500
Phoenicia Hotel wins Urban Regeneration Award
The Earth Building is shortlisted
Dock N.1
The Uncertainty of
a Moving Diptych
The Coach House wins local awards
2017. A year in the life of AP
Villa Castro
Phoenicia Hotel
Lija case study updates
Villa Castro shortlisted
for international awards
Barrakka Lift
St. Barbara Bastion
AP at 15th Venice Architecture Biennale
fablabvalletta updates
Malta Pavilion at 57th Venice Art Biennale
HOMeS. Raphael Vella exhibits at AP
Reporting from Venice
Konrad Buhagiar for Oħlom Oħloq series
Farsons Brewery
The Rabbit Duck Illusion
Contribution in new publication celebrating Manoel Theatre in Valletta
...streets, et cetera...
Taking part in local research project
Memento Mori
Talking about business
Two awards at the Din L-Art Helwa's Awards for Architectural Heritage
World Film Locations: Malta
Filming Locations: the fabric of culture, myth and identity in small cinema
Lecture at EASA Links
A Similar New
Ganado offices project wins local award
Nomination for the Mies van der Rohe Award 2015
Patron magazine launch
Projects shortlisted for WAF and INSIDE awards and nominated for Philippe Rotthier prize
Best of the 14th Architecture Biennale
Perspective 2014
Year 2225. A triptych.
Maritime Trade Centre
Guest lecture at the University of Belgrade
What are the qualities that make buildings timeless?
Two awards at the Din L-Art Helwa’s Architectural Heritage scheme
Reasonable Dreams
Barrakka Lift wins Transport category at INSIDE Festival
Farsons Brewery and Barrakka Lift shortlisted for WAF
Participating in ‘Breaking New Ground’
A Printed Thing
The Royal Opera House in Malta
Contribution in ‘Recovery, Valorisation and Maintenance in Historical Centres’
Presentation at the Institute for Sustainable Energy
The Inauguration of Barrakka Lift
A Printed Thing
Valletta Waterfront wins a 2012 ULI Global Award for Excellence
Contribution in Modern Trends in National Architecture
Farson’s new brewhouse to be inaugurated today
Participating in ISCEC Malta meeting
Lecture at the Museum of Architecture in Wroclaw, Poland
City Gate
Dining Pavilion
St. Barbara’s project wins Creative Re-use category at INSIDE Festival
The Identity of Valletta discussed at lecture given by AP in Belgium
St. Barbara’s project shortlisted for INSIDE
Towards Frugality-International Symposium and Workshop followed by Design Exhibition
Valletta Waterfront project selected for Philippe Rotthier Prize
St. Ursula Street Apartment
Seafront Apartment
AP finalist in HSBC European Business Awards
Length of Weighted Wire
Landscape Award for Valletta Waterfront
Novelletta at the London Festival of Architecture 2010
Corporate Village
Corporate Village wins international award in Milan
Valletta basement
Valletta: Heritage, Climate and Identity Lecture
Europe’s 40 under 40
Corporate Village shortlisted at WAF 2009
Cruise Passenger Terminal finalist in WA 4th Cycle Awards
PHDC Malta Symposium hosted by AP
Participation in Real Estate Forum
Rics Conference 2008
SAIE Energia Fair 2008
Casa Perellos
Biennale Internationale Design 2008
That's Design, Milan 2008
AJ Small Projects Awards 2008
Pool Pavilion
M&S Store
Stock Exchange
Valletta Waterfront
Xara Palace
St. Barbara Bastions
Manoel Theatre