Wadi Hanifa Villa

The Wadi Hanifa Villa in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, is designed in the respect of the new local planning and building codes and of the cultural and environmental context of the region. The villa balances the needs a young Saudi family, combining private areas with flexible spaces for entertainment, organised around a central courtyard.

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Villa Cantilena

Villa Cantilena lies on the top of a hill in the quiet residential neighbourhood within Victoria Gardens. A playful yet sophisticated combination of materials – limestone, wood and concrete, balances the vernacular and the modern soul of the Villa, creating a subtle contrast between the voids and volumes, opacity and transparency, the organic and the man-made.

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Noto Hilltop Villa

The restoration and rehabilitation of a hilltop villa in Noto, Sicily. The design proposal aims at enhancing the exhisting fabric, creating a seamless blend between old and new as well as the indoor and outdoor.

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