St. Barbara’s project wins Creative Re-use category at INSIDE Festival
After presenting their project to an international panel of judges, AP was declared as winner of the Creative Re-Use Category at the Inside Festival in Barcelona on November 2nd 2011.
“The winner, we felt, pushed the boundaries to the limit with a successful and creative adaption of a historical building by inserting a strong spatial element”, said the judges. “This building is also a strong and significant asset to Malta.”
The project submitted by AP is a new office space created on St. Barbara’s Bastion. It involved the remodelling of an old three storey house into offices and residential space. The need for separate entrances, and therefore two staircases, became the key design challenge for the architectural team. They applied the concept of the ‘double-helix’ to the two staircases, thus enabling the entrances to be distinct, leading to the offices and residential unit separately, while the intertwining staircases are conceived as one sculptural mass.