AP's Design Director and Conservation Architect Charlene Jo Darmanin presented the restoration project of the Phoenicia Hotel as part of the programme of the three-day conference organised in Malta between the 1st and 3rd Nov, by the Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB) in collaboration with the Malta Chamber of Construction Management (MCCM).
The event provided a great opportunity to share and discuss inspiring case studies of projects which have achieved a sustainable balance between adaptation to modern requirements and to climate change-related issues, whilst maintaining heritage significance. Different typologies of heritage were discussed and analysed in relation to the framework provided by the ICOMOS Articles, by the Sustainable Development Goals and the ESG requirements more
All speakers emphasised the importance of international collaboration and of adopting an interdisciplinary approach, focusing on both process and dissemination of results, in order to have an impact on the larger group of stakeholders involved in built heritage interventions. Collaboration, communication, innovation and perseverance were in fact identified as key words for the development of a way forward, in support of truly sustainable