Restoration Diaries: St Paul’s Anglican Pro-Cathedral has completed the greatest restoration ever in its history

St Paul's Day into Night

Restoration works on the pro-Cathedral were started in the Fall of 2016 when first investigations were undertaken. Each step of the seven year-long project, till Fall 2023 when the tower was finally unveiled to re-establish the original skyline of Valletta, has been documented through a series entitled Restoration Diaries that shows the progressive development.

Extensive restoration work was carried out on the 1846 steeple which had suffered severe structural deterioration and lost important historical elements over the course of its lifespan. The AP Valletta restoration team conducted studies to understand the extent of the damage and determine the necessary repairs with a view to conserving as much of the original features as possible.

Today, the tower has been renewed and reconfigured on the basis of the original designs of William Scamp. The operation included the reconstruction of the urns at the basis of the spire, redesigned according to the architect’s drawings of 1844.

This marks a major milestone in the iconic St. Paul’s Anglican Pro-Cathedral restoration and ensures the long-term preservation of the building’s authenticity and integrity.

The last episode of Restoration Diaries will show the restored tower in all its golden glory by day following the removal of the 67-metre-tall scaffolding structure, as well as its nocturnal presence on the skyline of Valletta, with new lighting designed by our lighting design partner Franck Franjou.

You can watch a video of the St Paul’s Day into Night here.

Watch the full episodes of Restoration Diaries here:

1  Live Drone Inspection

2 – Setting up scaffolding

3 – Site visits

4 - Stone Replacement and Sculpting

5 - Urns and Cross

6 - St Paul’s Time Capsule

7 - Unveiling of the Spire

8 – St Paul’s Day into Night

Watch the Inauguration of the Restored Tower and Spire at St Paul's Pro-Cathedral here. - 29th May 2024

Watch St Paul's Anglican Documentary - Restoration 2018-2024

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St. Paul's Pro Cathedral