Wied Dalam Park
from fossil fuel to food of the future
Date | 2021 |
Client | Petromal Co. Ltd. |
Value | n.a. |
Location | Birzebbugia, Malta |
heritage industrialheritage landscaping maltese heritage masterplanning regeneration rehabilitation sustainability

The new Wied Dalam Park aims at transforming a dismissed industrial facility into a public natural park combining technology, agriculture, innovation, education and sustainability in a mix of activities which will create opportunities to test new farming methods while promoting an alternative and sustainable economic model and offering public and

Currently, the site is composed of two main layers: an untouched natural landscape, at ground level, part of the future heritage park, and the ex-fuel storage tunnels, at underground level, decommissioned and in need of
An in-depth analysis of several case studies provided evidence of the feasibility of the project for a natural park at ground level and for a mixed-use redevelopment and regeneration of the existing structures at both ground

The proposal provides a unique opportunity for a unique site to become an exemplary pilot project for potential innovative solutions with regards to urban and alternative farming, such as hydroponics and aeroponics, while conserving and repurposing an important part of

Moreover, Wied Dalam would promote an alternative and sustainable economic model thanks to
- Commercial activities: such as small shops and commercial activities related to the technological and agricultural repurposing of the park;
- The “Food of the Future” market: selling mostly locally produced products;
- Restaurants and cafés, also promoting local products;
- An ‘albergo diffuso’: an innovative concept of hospitality aiming at reviving groups of smaller structures with great touristic potential. The term translates as ‘dispersed hotel’ or ‘scattered hotel’, and it usually refers to small businesses run by individuals or communities and offering guests an authentic insight on to their lifestyle.

This proposal aims at promoting a change of direction, through the testing of an alternative and circular economic model, also in line with the main 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. The regenerated park would also provide for most needed new green, safe and open public spaces. Finally, our approach would minimise the interventions in situ, with the rehabilitation and adaptive reuse of the oil tanks which promote a more sustainable approach towards the urban environment while paying tribute to the industrial heritage