We developed extensive experience in restoration and regeneration of complex heritage buildings thanks to projects like Manoel Theatre, where we are resident architects since 1996.
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Renovation of a 19th century house in Valletta.
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The insertion of a new Cruise Passenger Terminal at the foot of the baroque Pinto Stores, develops on the genus loci of Valletta, to add yet another layer to the rich historic stratification of the Grand Harbour.
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The Malta Stock Exchange operates today from 19th century Garrison chapel, built at the time of the Crimean War as a school and place of worship for the allied troops passing through Malta on their way to battle.
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Restoration and re-use of historic buildings as a high quality touristic and residential development on the island of Gozo.
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The balcony being an important architectural element in the streetscape of Valletta, it seemed ideal to reinterpret and recreate this external wooden element to contain the connection between the existing shop and its extension.
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Ancient texts often describe the authors’ admiration for techniques used by builders and craftsmen, aimed at creating the perception of integrity through a carefully crafted joining of a multiplicity of parts.
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The intervention on the tower is an insertion that is independent of the existing old structure thus avoiding any scars on the historic fabric.
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An old lady had this house built for herself and her nurse in a mature garden surrounded by pine trees.
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AP was among the eight firms chosen to participate in the international competition in 1999 for a temporary shelter for five twelfth century churches in Lalibela, Ethiopia.
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The project for the design of a shop of what used to be called ‘Allcom’ in a trendy touristic town that evolved on the traces set out by the original fishing village and the later Victorian summer residential spa, owes its genesis to the concept that publicity can serve as a vehicle to lift the urban space of the town to the level of art.
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