We developed extensive experience in restoration and regeneration of complex heritage buildings thanks to projects like Manoel Theatre, where we are resident architects since 1996.
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The project of the new technical centre for the most important mobile communications provider on the island was divided into three phases.
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Conceived as a stone monolith rising out of the surrounding terrain, this summer pavilion provides pool-side facilities that have been re organized to encourage their use on a more regular basis by the family and to enhance their role when the gardens are geared for entertaining.
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Villa Cagliares stands at the edge of the village of Zejtun in an area referred to locally as ‘ir-Rahal t’isfel’ which flanks the main water course.
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It is understandable that a large scale development like Tigné Point should contain the contradictions and complexities that arise when onerous commercial targets are married to a rich building tradition and the specificity of a historic site.
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The insertion of a new Cruise Passenger Terminal at the foot of the baroque Pinto Stores, develops on the genus loci of Valletta, to add yet another layer to the rich historic stratification of the Grand Harbour.
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This villa is perched on the ridge of a hill that looks out towards the sea. It was designed to satisfy the clients’ yearning for space and freedom, to create the possibility of wandering through a succession of spaces that spring as though spontaneously from the lie of the land.
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The project involved the construction of an office complex to house the offices of the Malta Maritime Authority and those of other maritime related entities.
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This pavilion-like structure, that houses an extension to the existing kitchen in an 18th century house, is designed like an over-scale porch.
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Restoration and re-use of historic buildings as a high quality touristic and residential development on the island of Gozo.
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Built in the early 18th Century, Casa Perellos was the intimate, yet stately country residence of the Grand Master Ramon Perellos y Rocafull (1697 – 1720).
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